
Showing posts from October, 2023

Giving is Worship

  In a dream, I saw a friend who told me that giving is a way of serving God. She even went further to say that all she has ever achieved and her testimonies came from serving God through her finance. I didn’t fully understand until a month after, we spoke and I shared the dream with her. She was shocked! In her words, “The Holy Spirit is always accurate and perfect” (indeed He is the revealer of secret things). This was an eye-opener and a game changer for me in my Faith journey and I thought to share same with you. I know you may be wondering how? No need to think it too far, the truth is we can do so much more for God apart from our tithes and offerings on Sunday or midweek services. There are so many blessings attached to giving. It is also important to note that God is not a user of men but a blesser of men. Also, no one lacks what he gives . No one serves Jesus in truth and deed and ends up in shame or broke. He is too faithful to fail. Here are various ways we can explore gi