
Showing posts from 2024

The Power of Words, Associations, and Conversations

You may have not particularly considered the huge influence your friends, associates, and even random conversations have on you, especially in the way you think and act. I recall a conversation I had with a friend several months ago. We discussed something that was my major heart's desire at that point in time, and she said she didn’t think it was possible.  I kid you not; a few weeks later, the devil pounced on that statement, making me doubt God’s ability to give me that desired testimony. Immediately, I remembered the song, “Whose report will you believe? I shall believe the report of the Lord!” And that was it for me; I began to speak the word that “With God, all things are possible, God is able to do abundantly above all I can think and ask for; “all things work together for my good” (Luke 1:37, Ephesians 3:20-21, Rom 8:28). Oh yeah, I guessed right. You’re thinking this is cliche! Words are mere words, right? 😅 No! Words are actually powerful. They are like seeds! You become