
Showing posts from March, 2023

How to Forgive Easily

Bitterness and resentment won’t do any good both to our health and spiritual lives. Forgiveness has been linked to improved mental health such as reduced anxiety, depression, stress and major psychiatric disorders. In addition, forgiveness not only improves one's health but also translates to God forgiving us our own sins too and in turn helping us grow spiritually and praying effectively.  Absolutely no one hasn’t been offended or offended others. However, we have a choice to make; either to let go/forgive and live a happy life OR keep holding on to offences and having a heart full of burdens. Here are few ways to forgive easily. We are an extension of God’s love We were yet sinners but God loves us (John 3:16). The Bible in Colossians 3:13 says we should  forbear and forgive one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.” ‭ The Bible says we should love one another by extending God’s love to others. We can extend God's l


Studies have proven that humans have short attention span. This is also applicable during prayers. We have a lot of things on our minds; office work, school work, what to eat, how to multiply income and million of things keep running through our minds at every point in time. It is important to not only watch these thoughts but also deal with them while we are praying. We want to eliminate all forms of distractions and focus on one thing/task per time. A good way to achieving this is by decluttering the mind from all worries and thought. We need to reposition our minds to what we are doing; which is praying. Also, we can turn off all phone notifications during prayers in order to fully concentrate. Another means to controlling distractive thoughts is by converting those thoughts to prayer requests. We think or worry over anything. Usually, the reason why this occurs is because we need help, we need solutions to these things that might be posing a sort of challenge or issue for us. M