How to Forgive Easily

Bitterness and resentment won’t do any good both to our health and spiritual lives. Forgiveness has been linked to improved mental health such as reduced anxiety, depression, stress and major psychiatric disorders. In addition, forgiveness not only improves one's health but also translates to God forgiving us our own sins too and in turn helping us grow spiritually and praying effectively. 

Absolutely no one hasn’t been offended or offended others. However, we have a choice to make; either to let go/forgive and live a happy life OR keep holding on to offences and having a heart full of burdens.

Here are few ways to forgive easily.

We are an extension of God’s love

We were yet sinners but God loves us (John 3:16). The Bible in Colossians 3:13 says we should forbear and forgive one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.”

The Bible says we should love one another by extending God’s love to others. We can extend God's love to others by forgiving them. God frowns at unforgiveness. If we don’t intend to disobey God, we have to obey and do His will while on earth which is to be an extension of God's love and compassion to others. 

Understand why you need to let go

You need to sit and understand that forgiveness is the best gift you can give yourself. The person you are angry at may not even be aware that you are angry. When you can forgive and live a burden-free heart why then be so angry that when you see the person your heart is really angrily on fire, you can’t sleep well or eat?

Speak with the other party

In reference to the above point, the offender may not even be aware that you are angry over that statement he made or what he did. It is best to speak to the person, tell him what he did wrong and how hurt you are. Even If he/she doesn’t show any remorse, you still need to forgive him!

Pray for the other party

I know this sounds funny, but another way to let go of hurt is to pray for those that hurt you. When you start praying for them and wishing them well, the pain eases off gradually. 

Know that offences are inevitable 

We are all human beings and not perfect. It’s almost impossible not to offend one another. Know this and know peace. Bearing this in mind, you’ll know that you have to forgive at every point in time. We can’t fight/hold grudges against everyone and every time!

“And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against our debtors.” Matthew 6:12 





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