Why You Need to Examine Your Christianity ASAP🥹

And He said to me, “don’t feel like you are holier than others” I startled for few seconds. That was the Holy Spirt talking to me😮 I had to examine myself for several minutes, like what was I doing wrongly? But I am not showing off or judging anyone now 🥹🥹

The honest truth is that that’s the case for most Christians; we judge others or feel like we are way better with serving God than others. Remember the Bible says, judge not (Matthew 7:1)

Recently, I have come to realize that Christianity is a personal journey; unless God tells you to advice an individual regarding the faith work (which should be done in gentleness and love - Galatians 6:1-2), why are we trying to remove the speck in their eyes while leaving the log of wood in our own eyes? It is very easy to see other people’s inadequacies while not seeing your own inadequacies (Matthew 7:5) The Bible calls such an individual who goes about with such behavior an hypocrite.

How do we preach the gospel to the unsaved while we are stingy, self-centered, quarrelsome, a gossip, and being judgemental? It’s absolutely impossible! Our lives need to portray and indeed be the gospel of Christ that we are preaching. The gospel of Christ is that of LOVE. We need to show love in our words, thoughts towards others, actions, reactions, literally everything! (1 John 4:8)

I usually weigh my love walk with the fruits of the spirit - love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance (Galatians 5:22-23)

This piece is for you and me. We really have a lot to do; we need to deliberately work on our faith because faith without works is dead! And the just shall live by his own faith. (James 2:17, Habakkuk 2:4)

The review questions are endless, how can we claim to be of Christ, and we see our fellow neighbors hungry, sick, in need and turn a blind eye because we just don’t care or they’ve offended us😞 That’s unchristlike o - it’s something Jesus cannot do. Pettiness/ repaying evil for evil is not a fruit of the Spirit. Even Christ first loved us while we were yet sinners so who are we not to show unconditional love to others if Jesus can love us even while we were still in sin!!☺️ (Romans 5:8)

We know God is love and if truly we are Christians we should extend God’s love to others, by giving out love, care, our time, attention, prayers, forgiveness regardless of race, religion, gender or whatever it is they might have done to us (offence)

We can’t keep going like this. We need to sit down and analyze. Where are you faulting in your faith work with Christ? I know my bad character traits and you know yours as well! Unless, we want to be deceiving ourselves. Even the word of God says he who knows how to do good, and does not do it, it is counted to him as a sin (James 4:17)

Sadly, these character deficiencies can be the reason for not meeting with Christ at the second coming. I pray this won’t be our portion in Jesus name, Amen🙏 Also, it can be hindrances to one’s breakthrough and blessings.

In conclusion, here are few questions to ponder on:

1. How I treat others, will Jesus have treated them the same way? 

2. Will God be happy with what I just said? Especially that evil thoughts I conceived in my mind towards Toyosi because we had a quarrel?

3. Are my words pleasant and gracious? (Meditate on Colossians 4:6)

Every good or evil act is first conceived from the heart. No wonder the Bible instructs us to guard our hearts diligently (Proverbs 4:23). Becoming like Jesus is a deliberate decision. We must consciously guard our hearts and renew our minds at all times in order to live a life that pleases and glorifies God in heaven.

📷 https://sharethelife.org/likejesus/


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