
Showing posts from April, 2023

Intercessory Prayers - Salvation and Spiritual Growth

1.     "Father in the name of Jesus let there be a great revival in my family, amongst my friends & loved ones and in Nigeria, resulting in massive salvation of souls into the kingdom of God thereby making them active disciples of Christ for life." (Zechariah 2:4-5) 2.       "Father in the name of Jesus, consume my family and friends with the knowledge & zeal of the Lord, so we can openly identify with Christ and preach the gospel to the world." (Mark 16:15, Romans 1:16) 3.       "Father in the name of Jesus, deliver (insert names) from all forms of prayer infirmity, so she/he can engage fervently on the altar of prayer." (Romans 8:26-27) 4.      "Lord, endue us with the spirit of love to love you with all we have, thereby obeying your commandments." (Matthew 22:37 & John 14:15) 5.    "Father, in the name of Jesus empower our prayer lives afresh, so that we continue to overcome all temptations on our paths." (Matthe


  “The Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he prayed for his friends, the Lord gave Job twice as much he had before” Job 42:10 Everyone needs to pray and be prayed for. The blessings that come with interceding for others can't be quantifed. The bible says there was supernatural restoration for Job when he engaged in intercessory prayers for his friends. We are saddled with praying for the salvation and well-being of others; be it family, friends, colleagues or even enemies! The prayers of the righteous avails much as we need to pray for one another that we may be healed and restored (James 5:16). This article will be exploring few benefits of praying for others. We are doing the Lord’s work/expanding the gospel of Christ - Matthew 6:33, 1 Timothy 2:1-4 In a world full of many distractions, we are to seek God first and His kingdom (the advancement of His kingdom). When we pray for the redemption of the soul of the unsaved, we are expanding the kingdom of God. We are emulating Ch