Intercessory Prayers - Salvation and Spiritual Growth


"Father in the name of Jesus let there be a great revival in my family, amongst my friends & loved ones and in Nigeria, resulting in massive salvation of souls into the kingdom of God thereby making them active disciples of Christ for life." (Zechariah 2:4-5)

2.     "Father in the name of Jesus, consume my family and friends with the knowledge & zeal of the Lord, so we can openly identify with Christ and preach the gospel to the world." (Mark 16:15, Romans 1:16)

3.     "Father in the name of Jesus, deliver (insert names) from all forms of prayer infirmity, so she/he can engage fervently on the altar of prayer." (Romans 8:26-27)

4.    "Lord, endue us with the spirit of love to love you with all we have, thereby obeying your commandments." (Matthew 22:37 & John 14:15)

5.  "Father, in the name of Jesus empower our prayer lives afresh, so that we continue to overcome all temptations on our paths." (Matthew 26:41)

6.     "Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver us from the spirit of slumber." (Matthew 26:41)

7.   "Father in the name of Jesus, destroy all strongholds resisting (insert names) from getting saved." (Revelation 12:7-8)

8.   "Father, in the name of Jesus, give (insert names) a testimony of “once I was blind, now I can see’’, thereby establishing him/her in Christ for life." (John. 9:25)

9.    "Father, in the name of Jesus, grant supernatural utterance to everyone on the go for Christ, thereby leading many to Christ." (Acts 2:37/41)

10  "Father, let the voice of the Holy Spirit continue to silence the voice of the stranger seeking to manipulate believers and new converts (insert names) from being established in Christ for life." (John 10:5)

11  "Father, let your reaper angels take over our harvest field, appearing to all the unsaved in visions and dreams, thereby drafting them into the kingdom of God." (Acts 10:3-4)

12   "Father, in the name of Jesus engrace (insert name) to engage fervently on the prayer altar thereby resulting in the full delivery of his/her testimonies." (Isaiah 66:7-8)

13  "Father, lead us to where the unsaved souls are waiting, thereby leading to massive ingathering of souls into the kingdom." (Psalm 32:8)

14  "Father, endue (insert name) with the Spirit of obedience, thereby commanding dominion in all aspects of his/her life this year." (Ezekiel 36:27)

15  "Father, in the name of Jesus, let Your reaper angels appear in the dreams and visions of the night pointing all my friends and family (insert names) to Christ." (Acts 10:30-35)

16  "Father, in the name of Jesus, cleanse (insert names) from all the filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit, so he/she can live a sanctified life." (Psalm 51:2 & 7)

17  "Father, in the name of Jesus, sanctify (insert names) wholly-spirit, soul and body, so he/she/they can remain a vessel of honour in Your house." (1 Thessalonians 5.23)

18  "Father, in the name of Jesus, I come against all powers of darkness that may want to draw (insert names) back to the world." (John 10.28)

19  "Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to cleanse (insert names) by the power of Your Word ,so he/she can live to please You all the days of her/his life." (Psalm 119.9-11)


"Father, in the name of Jesus, let (insert names) experience higher dimensions of spiritual growth this year, resulting in supernatural breakthroughs in all facets of life." (Galatians 4:1)




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