“The Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he prayed for his friends, the Lord gave Job twice as much he had before” Job 42:10

Everyone needs to pray and be prayed for. The blessings that come with interceding for others can't be quantifed. The bible says there was supernatural restoration for Job when he engaged in intercessory prayers for his friends.

We are saddled with praying for the salvation and well-being of others; be it family, friends, colleagues or even enemies! The prayers of the righteous avails much as we need to pray for one another that we may be healed and restored (James 5:16). This article will be exploring few benefits of praying for others.

We are doing the Lord’s work/expanding the gospel of Christ - Matthew 6:33, 1 Timothy 2:1-4

In a world full of many distractions, we are to seek God first and His kingdom (the advancement of His kingdom). When we pray for the redemption of the soul of the unsaved, we are expanding the kingdom of God.

We are emulating Christ - John 17:20-23, Luke 22:32

As a Christian, the main goal is to be like Christ; represent Him and do what He does. While on earth, Jesus prayed for others; he interceded for them. When we engage in intercessory prayers, we are emulating Christ.

We are extending God’s love to others – Matthew 22:37-39

The bible has commanded us that the great commandment is that we love God with all our heart, soul and mind; loving God totally with all that we have and are. The second of the commandment is loving others.

When we have the love of Christ dwelling in us, we love our fellow human beings just like God loves all humans (John 3:16). We care for them by praying with and for them, showing compassion and ultimately extending God’s love to them which is to seek their salvation in Christ by various means – intercessions, evangelism etc.

We attract God’s blessings to ourselves/God answers our personal requests speedily

An example is Deborah (Judges 5:7). She wasn’t only an intercessor but a judge, prophetess and worshipper. Same with Job; he interceded his way to victory and restoration. When we pray for others, God answers our own prayers too.

Improves our personal relationship with God

We all want to have that fabulous deep connection with the Father. When we engage in intercessions, we operate in a deeper realm and helps boost our personal relationship with God. (Luke 10:27)

Intercessory Prayers give peace

There is this confidence, joy and peace that comes with praying for not only yourself but also for people. Most times, we want to offer help but it’s just beyond our physical power.  

Let’s surrender all including the issues and individuals of concern to God. When we do so, we have that confidence and peace in our spirit knowing fully well that when we pray to Him according to His will, He answers us. (1 John 5:14 & Mark 11:24)

Intercession is not only the pastors’ duty but one for all Christians. Every Christian should be an intercessor standing in the gap for others, the church and the world at large. Today, we ask for the grace to pray for others; their salvation, healing, well-being and all that pertains to them in Jesus name, Amen.

Will be sharing intercessory prayer guidelines in subsequent weeks for our use. Jesus is Lord!






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