Intercessory Prayers for Church Growth, Leadership & Multiplication of God's Disciples

  • Father in the name of Jesus, I decree the rain of your word all through this month such that will impact on every worshipper leading to the release of all hanging testimonies. (Acts 20:32)

  • Father, by the Holy Ghost, we destroy every hindrance to the influx of salvation of souls/new converts and of great multitude into all church services all through this year. (Isaiah 59:19)

  • Father, by the revelation of your word, keep the fire of revival burning across churches in Nigeria and in the world. (Acts 2:6/41)

  • Father in the name of Jesus, let your angels protect and preserve all new converts from all assaults of the enemy, so they can abide in Christ for life. (Exodus 23:20)

  • Father, continue to send your word with power in all church services, resulting in signs and wonders among your people all through this year. (Act. 5:12/14)

  • Father, let supernatural utterance be granted to our pastors, leading to the supernatural growth of Churches all through the year. (1 Thessalonians 3:1)

  • Father, ignite the zeal of your house in the heart of every Christian that we may go out and preach the gospel of Christ daily. (Haggai 1:14)

  • Father, make all our pastors living examples of what they teach, so as to continue to command quality followership of members. (Hosea 4:9)

  • Father, grant divine wisdom to our church leaders at all levels for kingdom advancement, thereby resulting in supernatural church growth. (James 1:5)

  • Father, we decree the destruction of every satanic opposition to the continuous growth of this Church, resulting in the multiplication of disciples of Christ in this Church. (Isaiah 8:9-10)

  • Father, in the name of Jesus, gather abiding multitudes into all of our church services and grant every worshiper a definite encounter with Your Word for their desired turnaround. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

  • Father, we decree vengeance upon all the gods of the land out to resist the continuous growth of this church this year. (Exodus 12:12)


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