
The Power of Words, Associations, and Conversations

You may have not particularly considered the huge influence your friends, associates, and even random conversations have on you, especially in the way you think and act. I recall a conversation I had with a friend several months ago. We discussed something that was my major heart's desire at that point in time, and she said she didn’t think it was possible.  I kid you not; a few weeks later, the devil pounced on that statement, making me doubt God’s ability to give me that desired testimony. Immediately, I remembered the song, “Whose report will you believe? I shall believe the report of the Lord!” And that was it for me; I began to speak the word that “With God, all things are possible, God is able to do abundantly above all I can think and ask for; “all things work together for my good” (Luke 1:37, Ephesians 3:20-21, Rom 8:28). Oh yeah, I guessed right. You’re thinking this is cliche! Words are mere words, right? 😅 No! Words are actually powerful. They are like seeds! You become

Giving is Worship

  In a dream, I saw a friend who told me that giving is a way of serving God. She even went further to say that all she has ever achieved and her testimonies came from serving God through her finance. I didn’t fully understand until a month after, we spoke and I shared the dream with her. She was shocked! In her words, “The Holy Spirit is always accurate and perfect” (indeed He is the revealer of secret things). This was an eye-opener and a game changer for me in my Faith journey and I thought to share same with you. I know you may be wondering how? No need to think it too far, the truth is we can do so much more for God apart from our tithes and offerings on Sunday or midweek services. There are so many blessings attached to giving. It is also important to note that God is not a user of men but a blesser of men. Also, no one lacks what he gives . No one serves Jesus in truth and deed and ends up in shame or broke. He is too faithful to fail. Here are various ways we can explore gi

Emptiness is NOT an Option

Humans are spirit beings; meaning that we are spirit-carriers either consciously or unconsciously. You can't be empty. The Word of God says for as many as are led by the spirit of God they are called the sons of God (Romans 8:14).  There are various ways to build up our spirit man. This include communing with God daily; by praying (in tongues), meditating on the scriptures, singing spiritual songs, hymns and in summary worshipping God at all times. One thing to take note is that, if we don’t establish and build our relationship or communicate with God on a daily basis, it is easy for the devil to take advantage of the spirit man. You just find yourself doing things out of fleshly desires.  I recall a conversation I had with a friend; we talked about the excessive usage of social media. He said, “one just surfs through the internet all day without praying or even opening the Bible to hear from God and just feel empty at the end of the day.” If that’s the case for you and me, then we

Why You Need to Examine Your Christianity ASAP🥹

And He said to me, “don’t feel like you are holier than others” I startled for few seconds. That was the Holy Spirt talking to me😮 I had to examine myself for several minutes, like what was I doing wrongly? But I am not showing off or judging anyone now 🥹🥹 The honest truth is that that’s the case for most Christians; we judge others or feel like we are way better with serving God than others. Remember the Bible says, judge not (Matthew 7:1) Recently, I have come to realize that Christianity is a personal journey; unless God tells you to advice an individual regarding the faith work (which should be done in gentleness and love - Galatians 6:1-2), why are we trying to remove the speck in their eyes while leaving the log of wood in our own eyes? It is very easy to see other people’s inadequacies while not seeing your own inadequacies (Matthew 7:5) The Bible calls such an individual who goes about with such behavior an hypocrite. How do we preach the gospel to the unsaved while we are s

Intercessory Prayers for Church Growth, Leadership & Multiplication of God's Disciples

Father in the name of Jesus, I decree the rain of your word all through this month such that will impact on every worshipper leading to the release of all hanging testimonies. (Acts 20:32) Father, by the Holy Ghost, we destroy every hindrance to the influx of salvation of souls/new converts and of great multitude into all church services all through this year. (Isaiah 59:19) Father, by the revelation of your word, keep the fire of revival burning across churches in Nigeria and in the world. (Acts 2:6/41) Father in the name of Jesus, let your angels protect and preserve all new converts from all assaults of the enemy, so they can abide in Christ for life. (Exodus 23:20) Father, continue to send your word with power in all church services, resulting in signs and wonders among your people all through this year. (Act. 5:12/14) Father, let supernatural utterance be granted to our pastors, leading to the supernatural growth of Churches all through the year. (1 Thessalonians 3:1) Father, igni

Intercessory Prayers - Salvation and Spiritual Growth

1.     "Father in the name of Jesus let there be a great revival in my family, amongst my friends & loved ones and in Nigeria, resulting in massive salvation of souls into the kingdom of God thereby making them active disciples of Christ for life." (Zechariah 2:4-5) 2.       "Father in the name of Jesus, consume my family and friends with the knowledge & zeal of the Lord, so we can openly identify with Christ and preach the gospel to the world." (Mark 16:15, Romans 1:16) 3.       "Father in the name of Jesus, deliver (insert names) from all forms of prayer infirmity, so she/he can engage fervently on the altar of prayer." (Romans 8:26-27) 4.      "Lord, endue us with the spirit of love to love you with all we have, thereby obeying your commandments." (Matthew 22:37 & John 14:15) 5.    "Father, in the name of Jesus empower our prayer lives afresh, so that we continue to overcome all temptations on our paths." (Matthe


  “The Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he prayed for his friends, the Lord gave Job twice as much he had before” Job 42:10 Everyone needs to pray and be prayed for. The blessings that come with interceding for others can't be quantifed. The bible says there was supernatural restoration for Job when he engaged in intercessory prayers for his friends. We are saddled with praying for the salvation and well-being of others; be it family, friends, colleagues or even enemies! The prayers of the righteous avails much as we need to pray for one another that we may be healed and restored (James 5:16). This article will be exploring few benefits of praying for others. We are doing the Lord’s work/expanding the gospel of Christ - Matthew 6:33, 1 Timothy 2:1-4 In a world full of many distractions, we are to seek God first and His kingdom (the advancement of His kingdom). When we pray for the redemption of the soul of the unsaved, we are expanding the kingdom of God. We are emulating Ch